Western Journalism



Do you support preserving traditional family values? Phil Robertson does, and millions of Americans agree with him.

Phil Robertson, once just a face on A&E’s hit show Duck Dynasty, was drawn onto the national stage to defend his remarks on family and marriage issues. Robertson, an outspoken born-again Christian, has never shied away from crediting the Bible as the source of moral authority. His unshakable faith in the Almighty gives him strength to inspire people who hear him speak about how God changed his life, among other things.

He continues to make headlines and regular appearances on network television. He appreciates your support and encouraging words to counter the criticism he so often receives. Because of that, we’ve developed a special tool that will allow you to send an email directly to Phil Robertson!

We’ve supplied some example text already, but feel free to change it to your own personal message. Just fill out your name and the email address from which you are sending, then hit “Send The Email” -straight to Phil Robertson! You will receive a copy of the email you are sending to him.

Letting Phil Robertson know that you stand with him to defend traditional family values will encourage him to keep going.

16,939 people have sent an email to Phil Robertson.

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