Sign The Petition To Stop Target From Allowing Men In Women's Bathrooms

Sign The Petition To Stop Target From Allowing Men In Women’s Bathrooms

Join the 20,819 people that have already signed this petition!

Target has surrendered to the voices of political correctness, announcing a new corporate policy of allowing customers to choose the bathroom they prefer based on gender identity.

The announcement came in response to a law proposed in Minnesota and a similar law that passed in North Carolina, which calls for people to use the bathroom that corresponds with their biological gender.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, explained in justifying the law, “If our action in keeping men out of women’s bathrooms…protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, then it was worth it. They are precious and priceless. If a corporation wanting to do business in North Carolina does not see the worth of our children in the same light, then I wish them well as they do business somewhere else.”

It’s time that companies heard from the people who think opening restrooms to people of the opposite sex is not only a bad idea, it is VERY dangerous.

Sign the petition and stop target from allowing men in the women’s bathroom!


Disclaimer: This page originally allowed you to send an email to Target executives, but the executives have now blocked our emails .

However, they weren’t able to stop over 12,000 people from sending this email:

“Target Executives,

I found Target’s recent announcement that it will be opening its in store restrooms to people of the opposite sex very disturbing.

As a retailer that caters to families across the United States, your company must understand the safety issues created by allowing men into women’s restrooms.

There are already instances of perverted men videoing women in adjacent stalls, and the new policy opens the door to more of this behavior, and much worse exposes young girls or women to being molested or sexually assaulted.

What father or mother in his or her right mind will want to allow their young daughter to enter a restroom in Target alone ever again.

I call on you to reverse this dangerous policy and put the wellbeing and safety of families first.

Until such an announcement is made, I will no longer be a Target customer.”

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